In a hot day without current ( blackout for 3days ),
better I spent that leisure time with my hobby...
so, the result is like this...
as usual, I juz use pencil & 0.4mm artline..
but 4 this time,
I use 5B pencil that I bought last month....
so my sketch look more dark than before,
no need to give an extra force to the 3B pencil anymore while making a shading..
and this drawing takes about 2hours start from making grid lines till the final touch..
about the quality,
I think it's not bad,
but very3x bad..
hurm, mayb coz so long time didn't drawing,
so the skill is gone..hehe
anyhow, so far this sketch not meant to give to anyone,
maybe juz becomes a part of my collections
to decorate my room's wall..
" who want a rose must respect the thorn,
and take time to smell the rose.."
better I spent that leisure time with my hobby...
so, the result is like this...
but 4 this time,
I use 5B pencil that I bought last month....
so my sketch look more dark than before,
no need to give an extra force to the 3B pencil anymore while making a shading..
and this drawing takes about 2hours start from making grid lines till the final touch..
about the quality,
I think it's not bad,
but very3x bad..
hurm, mayb coz so long time didn't drawing,
so the skill is gone..hehe
anyhow, so far this sketch not meant to give to anyone,
maybe juz becomes a part of my collections
to decorate my room's wall..
" who want a rose must respect the thorn,
and take time to smell the rose.."
lawa ler jugak tu
lg baik dr aku yg x pandai lukis
ko pandai buat potret?
bleh gak la ckt2.. nape, nk upah ke? hehe
mesti pikir profit je........huhuh
hahaha..well, that's me..
pensel 5b?ada ke?
tp sketch tu mmg lawa.x tipu
ad la, yg paling pekat 8B.. 8B paling soft, sesuai utk shading rambut utk lukis potret. stkt nk shading bunga bleh je gna 5B..
anyhow thanx, tp msih perlukan penambahbaikan..
lukiskan utk ain satu..hehe~
klo ain nk, dtg je kt blik org n plih je mn2 lukisan yg ain suka....
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