Venue : KTAMS, UKM
Organizer : PERDANA UKM
almost a week didn't update my blog.. very bz with my thesis actually.. most of my time juz analyze data and sometyms stuck with long formula that I've to transform to excel, solver n etc..huh, very tired with this job!!!
ok, back to the title of the entry, abt a week ago, PERDANA had organize another 1 progamme tht was Seminar Dinar Emas 2010 (SEDINAR '10). 4 me, this seminar was gave me a lot of info abt gold dinar n of course it was important for us as a muslim to know the history abt gold dinar since that was used as an islamic currency 4 abt 2600 years ago..
these are summaries 4 the seminar.. actually I juz copy from my report of secretary 4 this programme..hehe
In the slot 1, Prof. Dato' Dr Hailani Muji Tahir, UKM lecturer at Faculty of Islamic Studies presented the seminar entitled "Implimentation of Gold Dinar in Islamic Muamalah System : Current Economic Alternatives." he touched a lot abt the history of fiat money n the dinar as a currency advantage. among them is the gold dinar is the best hedging tool. this can be proved when within 1400 years, the gold dinar's inflation is zero.
for slot 2, Pn Hajah Nik Mahani Mohamad, director of Kelantan Golden Trade presented a seminar entitled "Dinar Emas Kelantan - A Strategy to Rescue Ummah." She explained abt the implemetation of the gold dinar currency system will be implemented in Kelantan ia a little while longer. in the question & answer session, there is the possibility of problems occurring difficulties to bring coins n the dinar exchange for a smaller value. the solution is dinar coin is too light that weighs only 4.25gram for 1 dinar, while the exchange of the smaller units can use dirham.
qs & answer session.. bgus tol pk cik ni....
Last slot is presented by Dato' Paduka Husam Musa, Exco Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan. he presented "Aspect Control for Dinar Currency System, Currency in The World Use of Mechanism." he focused the use of the dinar currency more widely not only in Kelantan, but also in foreign countries outside Malaysia..
as a conclusion, i think it a great idea to use dinar n dirham as a currency coz it's more stable a great solution to face economic crisis..
main sponsor 4 event.. Public Gold
wtpe xtau la ni....
ni dia surat2 jmputan yg ak kna hntr b4 program....
>>> important note : anyone yg nk pinang aku, ak xmtk wg hantaran byk2 pn, ckup la 3@4dinar sbg hantaran..hehe.. this is good idea i got from this seminar..=)
ok, back to the title of the entry, abt a week ago, PERDANA had organize another 1 progamme tht was Seminar Dinar Emas 2010 (SEDINAR '10). 4 me, this seminar was gave me a lot of info abt gold dinar n of course it was important for us as a muslim to know the history abt gold dinar since that was used as an islamic currency 4 abt 2600 years ago..
these are summaries 4 the seminar.. actually I juz copy from my report of secretary 4 this programme..hehe
In the slot 1, Prof. Dato' Dr Hailani Muji Tahir, UKM lecturer at Faculty of Islamic Studies presented the seminar entitled "Implimentation of Gold Dinar in Islamic Muamalah System : Current Economic Alternatives." he touched a lot abt the history of fiat money n the dinar as a currency advantage. among them is the gold dinar is the best hedging tool. this can be proved when within 1400 years, the gold dinar's inflation is zero.

while the slot 3, which was presented by En. Hashim Syukor as an admin for, entitled "Secret of Gold Investment" opened eyes the audience with methods to make gold investment. in this slot, he explains abt the privileges of gold, gold investment method n how to make a profit trough gold. the method is laid between the purchase of gold at a low price n then sell them back at a high price. actually, as an actuarial student, I'd learn a lot abt this method, so I know tht this method is a simplest way to get high profit. and many more method can use to make an investment... tht is my stdy for thesis rite now..
Last slot is presented by Dato' Paduka Husam Musa, Exco Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan. he presented "Aspect Control for Dinar Currency System, Currency in The World Use of Mechanism." he focused the use of the dinar currency more widely not only in Kelantan, but also in foreign countries outside Malaysia..

as a conclusion, i think it a great idea to use dinar n dirham as a currency coz it's more stable a great solution to face economic crisis..

rasanya tun mahathir yg cadangkan benda ni dulu kan
em, btol.. tun mahathir yg mula2 cdgkn, tp xde prlksanaan then senyap cm2 je...
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